Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Design Wall

Within A Moment
Mixed Media

As of today this is my design wall...........

Pitiful isn't it?

This bulletin board houses snippets of inspiration that I've come across in various places.....

My photos, quotes I've found that resonate with me, emails or notes I've received complimenting me on my work, various colour combinations I've found in home decor magazines. Amost anything I see that sparks some sort of recognition of future works is tacked up there. For a short while I would post rejections letters that had come from a gallery that I had applied to, thinking it would motivate me to work harder but I ended up purging them from the board.........after I had stomped on them and then ripped them up of course.

I need to remain positive, upbeat and focused. Rejection will always be there but it has no place on my board.

Today I'll take everything down and reaccess it's place. Some may end up being recycled, some put into an envelope as a possibility, some will remain and some will be newly posted. Like a life. Constant change is all we can really count on.

Note: The above piece will be at the Ridge West Gallery for their new show opening on Friday July 10th.

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