Thursday, July 16, 2009


Thanks to everyone who emailed to ask where the hell I was. Yes, I am still alive and kicking but this has been an unusually busy week. Lots of teenage angst, running errands, searching for disco clothes (yes, you heard me right....disco clothes) and helping out in John's office. The only fun part of the entire week (not that teenage angst isn't fun) was being invited to a private screening of "Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince" on Wednesday morning at 9 a.m. I've read all of the Potter books and love them. Surprisingly enough I haven't read the final one which I managed to dig out of my oldest daughter's room and will begin reading soon.

So I should explain the disco thing. We have this party to go to on Friday night which is a theme party. I don't like "theme" parties and hate dressing up. Hallowe'en has never been a biggie for me either due to the expectation of a "great costume". I'm sure somewhere deep down inside my brain something traumatic happened in my past to make me feel this way but let's leave that for another time. I was a teenager in the late seventies you would think I could remember what I wore but I honesty don't. I remember the music quite well but the clothing is another matter and who keeps their 70's attire? The best I can do is try to wear something sparkly.......I heard a few people have gotten together to form the Village People ........ come on people wasn't once enough. If the Village People are there you know we are all going to have to stand up and do the YMCA I'm feeling the angst. I'm sure there will be some Donna Summers and more than a couple white polyester suites aka John Travolta as Tony Manero in Saturday Night Fever.

I'll report back on Monday with the Bee Gees singing in my head..........

1 comment:

Michala Gyetvai (Kayla coo) said...

We saw Harry Potter on Saturday!
The last book is my favourite,I just couldn't put it down.
Hope you had fun at your party.x