I was very conscious of how dry my mouth was which always happens to me when I'm nervous. I was also laughing at other's jokes too loud and too often which is another lovely quirk I possess when the nerves hit. The Rogers people were so very kind and generous that once things got rolling (more tv lingo) I was feeling much more relaxed. Carol and Stu hung up four of my pieces and I stood in front of them as Trish interviewed me. I truthfully don't remember much of what I said.......I hoped if I was babbling too incoherently they would just pack up and go home. In the end it all worked itself out in the wash, as my mother would say.
Because they were actually filming a show that dealt with the arts community in Simcoe County and not a news interview, they informed me they had to shoot an intro which was to take place outside. It went something like this:
Trish is walking down Midland Avenue talking into the camera about the Carriage House Gallery etc. etc.
I come walking out to the street and say "Hi Trish"
Trish says, "It's Melody Madden who has a new show coming up at the Carriage Hill Gallery". We do this little acting spiel about the show and she says "Let's head on over to the Gallery to take a look at your work"
We both run across the street and disappear into the gallery. A nice wide shot of my butt running and I'm sure jiggling as well. This was the major "cheese" factor of the whole day. Trish's acting was great.......I looked like a deer in the headlights as I couldn't stop looking at the camera. It was that damn light.....it was like a magnet.
So I guess that was my Andy Warhol "15 minutes of fame". When I got home I found that the cat had puked on the floor in three different spots........back to reality.
Great story. A TV interview would be nerve wracking. I bet you did well.
Really like the tree photo; like to be sitting under it.
Hey Lisa, just checked out your blog and really enjoyed it. Thanks for your comment. Yeah, it was nerve wracking but I guess what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. At least that's what I've heard. Take care,
Hi Melody, I did a taped interview awhile back and can't believe I didn't actually vomit before it, I was so nervous. Even though I hated it and have still only watched it once, everyone else said it was really good. We judge ourselves so harshly. I am sure yours turned out well, any chance of seeing it on youtube someday?
I am also impressed that you ran on camera. There is not enough money in the world to get me to do that:)
YouTube? that's funny. To be honest with you Tracy I probably won't see the interview at all since we don't subscribe to Rogers Television so I guess I'll just have to wait and see if anyone I know has seen it.
I'm sure it went great! Love the little setup -"oh, look who happens to be here, Melody Madden, let's see what she does".
Good for you, I could never be that brave. Too bad you don't get the local cable station, because then you could put on YouTube and I'd be able see it.
Great little 'clip' of your brush with fame, Melody. I'm sure you did great. I had a chance to do the same with our local cable station a couple of years ago but you're a better woman than me. I chickened out. Since I was one of several artists I knew I wouldn't be missed.
Thanks Andrea......appreciate your thoughts as always
I don't know Ellen if I would be brave enough to post it on YouTube. I cringe at the very thought of seeing myself on tv. But who knows maybe it will resurface somewhere.....I'll keep ya posted
I just checked out your figurative paintings. Monet lives!
Cat puke on the rug, much better than cat sh*t, in my experience.
Yeah, Jannie I've cleaned up that too. Thanks for dropping by
Oh my goodness, Mel, I'm laughing out loud!!
Great comment Jean..now I'm laughing out loud.
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