Monday, January 26, 2009

This & That

Haven't been posting all that often lately as there just hasn't been much to say. I've been off and on steady in the studio working on some larger pieces for the show I'll be doing at Ridge West Gallery sometime this year. I'm also in the middle of working on a few small 6"x6" paintings in acrylic. One is of my nephew and if I don't completely screw it up I'll probably give it to his parents as a gift.

I've also been crosscountry skiing with my friend Joan during the week. She's writing her thesis so is home most days around lunchtime when we head out. Nice to have someone else to ski with.

My friend Steve the abstract artist and brilliant singer/songwriter was over last week and we had a blast. He is such a fun guy, knows so much about art and is simply "good people". He is really spontaneous when it comes to painting and I admire that trait. I, on the other hand seem to be too tight and controlled. He was desperately trying to get me to throw some paint on the canvas when he was there but I was hesitant. I emailed him later that day to thank him for his time and he emailed back...."have you started yet?" Nothing like a good friend to keep you on your game.

John and I took a walk in the park yesterday. Although it was cold the sun was out and I desperately needed to get out of the studio for awhile. Sundays just happen to be my favourite day to work and listen to CBC but then again I listen to CBC everyday while I'm in the studio. Another post for another time which I shall entitle "Me And Jian Gomeshi"...... don't ask.

I'm digressing again!

I'll sign off with this picture I snapped in the park yesterday of a little dog named Stella wearing a pink coat and fur collar. Just had to take the photo because how many times do you see a French Bulldog wearing a get up like that.


Tracy Helgeson said...

Stella looks a bit perturbed:)

Jean Levert Hood said...

I enjoyed this and that! That makes a great blog post, and the little pink pup is too cute!