The morning of the show I woke up with my head spinning. I still felt like I had so much to do before I left for the gallery at 11:00am. John was gone to the farmer's market, my oldest daughter was studying for exams and my youngest was off to her part time job. I was still agonizing about my pricing strategy.......for me pricing my newest work is always the most stressful part of an entire show.
While I was getting dressed and thinking my pants were feeling a touch tight, I looked over and there was my 20 year old cat Jamoca, continually hissing at my shoes. I took this as a bad sign but continued on nevertheless. I arrived at the gallery just as the caterer was setting up. Mmmmm, I immediately took note of the eclairs but then felt my stomach pushing against my pants and decided the eclair eating would be better left to the guests. People began arriving right at noon and it was so wonderful to see so many of my friends and past clients there to support me. It really brought a smile to my face when I saw Kelly and her daughter walk in. There is such comfort in them being there. A half hour before the show was due to close, in walked Jamie and Nick and shortly after that Liz and Richard. If you've been following my blog from the beginning you'll remember that we all met in Portugal due to Liz and my motion sickness adventure. Although we had all kept in touch, this was the first time we had seen each other since then. There was lots of hugs and you could just feel the good vibes. By the time the show closed at 4:00pm, I had sold four pieces and was quite the happy camper. We all headed up the road to Abbott's for a celebatory dinner and yes, a good glass of red wine.
Much thanks to all my friends and clients who came out to encourage and to support me. I truly felt your support and from the bottom of my heart I say "thank you".
Sounds like a very nice opening. And four pieces sold?! That's great, always nice to have some work sell at the opening.
Thanks so much Tracy. Your comments are very much appreciated.
Sounds like a wonderful opening! Your work looks good hanging up in the gallery!
PS, my pants feel tight almost every day now...
My fitness routine has been falling by the wayside lately but Monday looks good to start up again.
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