This has been just a crazy busy week so far. The first full week the girls are finished school and are just "hanging around" the house. Today I drove to town to pick up my sewing machine...."yeah" then came home and drove my youngest daughter's friend home after a sleepover. After that I picked up my oldest daughter from another sleepover and then drove them both into town for a final end of year school party. They have a much richer social life than I. I need to get out more.
Saturday night there was some real excitement brewing the in Village. Around 7:00pm a huge storm blew in with torrential winds and rain. After all was said and done the creek behind my house breached it's banks and flooded two hundred meters on either side. The above photo is of the creek on a normal day. Below you'll find pictures of what it looked like on Saturday night.

Hope everyone is well and thanks so much to all the great artists who took the time to answer my questions regarding oil painting...........yes, Jean I promise to try and have a bit more patience...probably not my strong suit but I'll try.
Ah, the social life of teenagers. I'd invite you for coffee with me and Ellen if the commute weren't such a challenge.
I'd be there in a second!
You guys have had some crazier weather than we have. And having 2 girls myself, what is with girls and always having to have sleepovers? I just don't get it.
I don't get it either. They see each other all day long at school and then they not only need to talk on the phone or MSN each other but they want to have sleepovers too.
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