Thursday, October 1, 2009

On The Go

Yesterday my beautiful first born baby turned 17. I looked at her and could feel nothing but love and pride at how wonderful a young woman she has turned out to be. I'm not taking any of the credit as my part and her dads was quite small. But if I had to take the credit I would take the loving, kind part and John can take the stubborn part.......o.k I'm only kidding!

Last night also turned out to be the university open house where all the schools show up to recruit a new batch of students who are looking to head off next fall. I didn't hold out much for the presentations but in the end it turned out to be quite informative and gave Sierah a better idea of what would work best for her. When I glanced over as she asked a question I couldn't help but notice at how grown up and independent she had become. For a split second I thought I may start to cry and totally embarrass her and have everyone thinking her mother may have emotional issues but I thankfully held it together in the end. I am excited for her and for the opportunities that will be there for the taking. Her life will open up in ways that she has never dreamed possible and truthfully, there is no one I know that is more ready to embark on a new chapter in their life then beautiful, independent baby.

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