Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day

So yesterday was Father's Day and the girls did a nice job of appreciating John. They both made unique cards letting him know why he's the "best" dad ever. Things work hard so we can have a great life, your not balding... yet, your a great dancer (definitely a jab at his lack of rhythm). I know he'll keep those cards forever as he's a real pack rat when it comes to saving all the things the girls are given him over the years.
So although I'm not much for the hallmark holidays I did really miss not having my Dad to call yesterday. He passed when I was six months pregnant with my youngest. He was only 53. He worked his entire life with asbestos before anyone knew how toxic it truly was. Every day he would get up and go to work and never complain although he worked outside in the winter and it was damn cold. I remember sitting in class at school hoping he would be able to find a warm spot inside to have his lunch. He talked a lot about what he was going to do when he retired, take up some hobbies, travel somewhere warm, do all the things he hadn't up to now. He was diagnosed with cancer and died within five weeks. I think up until that time I really thought that our time here was unlimited. Death was there but only a concept as far as I was concerned. When he died all of that changed for me. I changed because I realized time is short. Oh, I know everyone says that but do we truly believe it? Being aware that all this is going to end at some point, I feel, helps you to lead a much richer life. My dad put all the things he wanted to do on hold thinking at some point in the future there would be time for them. I learnt many lessons from him as he was a wonderful, loving father who believed in me and a great artist to boot. But what has really stuck with me is how important now is. When someone asks me what I want to be doing when I retire I tell them to ask me "when I retire". At this moment in time I'm doing exactly what I want to be my life to the fullest.
Love you Dad..........


andrea said...

This is the kind of reality check we all need sometimes. Such a sad story and such an important lesson. Thanks, *Mel*.

Melody said...

Surely a reality check. Hey, that Mel thing is really starting to grow on me.

Jean Levert Hood said...

I miss my dad so much.

Ellen said...

Mel,that's is so sad. And such a valuable reminder that 'now' is the only true reality that exist. Thanks for sharing that.

dinahmow said...

Yes, wise words. Something we all need to be reminded of from time to time.I'm all for the "now" rather than the "one day..."
(But one day I will get back to Canada!)

Melody said...

Dinah, couldn't agree with you more. The "now" is where it is. When were you last in Canada?