Today is shaping up to be a great day. My girlfriend Kelly is coming over for lunch and later this afternoon John and I are going to take our oldest daughter canoeing up the Green River. She and John will do some fly fishing while I sketch and take photos. My youngest is due to return from camp tomorrow afternoon. It will be so good to have her home.
This piece that I have posted "Fields of Yellow" just came back from the framers yesterday and they did a fantastic job. I photographed it before it was framed as it is impossible once the glass goes on due to the glare. I chose a wide white matt with a very simple mahogany frame. I am quite pleased. I am headed up the the Silverbridge Gallery next Thursday to drop off the new work.
This piece and "The View From Here", which I will post next, are experiments in threadpainting. "Fields of Yellow" is only about 5"x7" without the frame but it took me days of work to complete it due to how labor intensive it was. The entire artwork is covered in thread and nothing else. Time consuming? Yes, but totally worthwhile. I love being able to present a more realistic piece which is the direction I see my art headed in. This week I have also been working on a piece that will involve acrylic paint and thread. It was inspired by a photo I took the last time I was in Toronto........when it is finished I will post it and you can let me know what you think
As a side note.......from the bottom of my heart I would like to thank everyone who emailed me personally with words of support for the loss of our cat Jamoca. It reminds me of how much love and compassion there really is in the world. It was much appreciated.
Fields of Yellow is an absolutely amazing piece of work, I am definitely inspired to try something similar. I have Google alerts which emailed me your latest blog entry as I love looking at fibre/textile art on the web and I haven't seen anything like this before-it is beautiful.
Allyson, thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment and for your kind words about my work. It is much appreciated
Threadpainting is beautiful!!! :)
Really stunning piece, you are producing some very unique artwork!
Thanks Alvin.....coming from you that is a huge compliment. Love your work
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