Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Little Lip Gloss And I'm Ready to Go

The other day I read an article regarding the difficulties of working at home. I imagine there are many people who think it would be fabulous to be at home all day and it is to some degree. The difficulty lies in treating your day as a day at work rather than a day at home. Staying disciplined is probably the hardest part. Lately I know I have completely fallen off the "discipline wagon". I've been surfing the net way too much......I see this as a form of procrastination...I really don't need nor am I interested in what Tom or Brittany are doing. I also have been spending a great deal of my time doing everything from laundry to dishes.... more procrastination and neglecting my own studio time.
So after reading this article I decided to shake things up a bit. Today I've begun scheduling my entire work day. This morning I was up, showered and dressed as well as a little lip gloss ........why 7:00am. I made out my list of errands for the day, scheduled in studio time, yoga and meditation (a must or I'd go insane) errands I need to run, gallery stuff etc. etc. I even penciled in my blog. No where did I write down dishes or laundry........that can wait until my work day ends at 4:30. So I'm hoping to do this daily. Perhaps I shouldn't say "hope" as that seems to wishy washy.......I'm going to do this daily.
I have so much studio work to catch up on and so many avenues I am interested in pursuing with my artwork that if I hope to get work done I do need to be more scheduled and I must say, that little bit of lip gloss did make me feel much more put together.
On a side note, I heard Oprah picked Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth" as this month's book pick. I read it when it first came out as I loved "The Power of Now". It is a life changing read if your ready for it. It is one of the top five books I have ever read.


Paula In Pinetop said...

My only real problem with working at home is that I tend to get up and begin work in my jammies and never change in a pyramid. Well not until around 4-4:30, then I break down and shower and put on fresh jammies.

I still have a day job so the work from home part is reserved for the weekends when I work on art, blog, website, etsy, and all that.

andrea said...

I hear you! So what am I doing reading blogs at 7 a.m? :) I'd better get moving...

Melody said...

Paula......weekends are meant to be jammies days......I love them

Andrea...blogs happen to be my downfall too

Cynthia said...

I hear ya, sister! I'm trying to spend less time on the Internet now cause before I know it, 3 hours slips by. It's hard to resist the temptation to sign back on and just check to see if so and so emailed back, etc.

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

You are all playing my song. It's so easy to while away the day on the blogs and the pajama part...... geez, the day's not long enough as it is. Then it's time to cook dinner after getting dressed at 3PM, of course :(

Melody said...

Cynthia, I hear you too sister! Sometimes I turn off my computer just to avoid the temptation

Mary, don't you just love your pj's. Sometimes on Saturdays I just keep them on all day